
13 Best Skin Care Products For Oily Skin, According To Experts

If you have oily skin, chances are you’ve skipped sunscreen at some point because it can make your skin even shinier. Susan Bard, MD, a dermatologist in New York City, says this one is great for people with oily skin or those who get shiny when they use sunscreen. It’s formulated with tapioca starch to absorb excess oil. Toning can help get rid of any excess oil that wasn’t removed from cleansing. This gentle foaming face wash, made with aloe vera extract, softens and freshens skin as it removes dirt, oil, and bacteria that can clog pores. Made for sensitive, stressed-out, and acne-prone skin, it won’t leave your skin feeling stripped or overly dry. Terra Beauty Bars Matcha Sea Dry Facial Clay Mask When it comes to skin care for oily skin, look for the best products for oily skin like lightweight, non-comedogenic formulas that won’t clog pores to help keep skin clear and shine-free. Start with an oily skin cleanser or daily foaming face wash for oily skin and resist